real time cool stuff
Hello and welcome to—I've been wearing many hats these days: consultant, advocate, expert, activist, designer, crafter, and more. Feel free to peruse this site and explore what I've been up to.
As for some cool things . . .
Podcasting has been a thought for a long time and I've been diving in with two fabulous fellow activists. You can find the endlessly topical and entertaining GURL, STOP on Stitcher, and Spotify.
Hand painting needlepoint canvases is a new challenge—once I'm happy with the results I'll share what I've been up to.
My WASH YOUR HANDS project was/is a bright light in crazy days. Pieces are in a History Responds collection at the New York Historical Society, which is a complete and total thrill. Equally fabulous is that some of that donated work appeared on the cover of Time for Kids. Wow!
FLOW: the Cultural Story of Menstruation is the book that keeps on giving. Published over 11 years ago it was just noted as one of
8 great feminist microhistories at Bookriot. I'll take that.